The Complete Rarities Gallery
Agnew Cloth RuleAnderson's Improved Slide RuleAristo 10096 System Prof. J. PetersAristo 10065 System GruterAristo 630 ChemieAristo 80123 Martin Space RuleAristo 816 PiccoloAristo 829 TechnicaAristo 920 FederfixAristo 929 TechnicaAristo 930 TextilAristo 940 StahlbetonAristo 944 Schweizer TopographAristo 948 UniversalAristo MaverickAston & ManderBateBlundell VectorBoucher Model 0?Brass SectorBreitling Chronoslide Type 2Breitling ChronoslideBurt's ruleCameron’s ruleCarrett’s ruleChadwick’s ruleCharpentier CalculimetreCoggeshall-Dialling ruleCooperDempster Rotarule AADenoyer-GeppertDialling ruleEdward Roberts six-slide EverardFaber Castell 3/11 StaticFaber Castell 366, System Schumacher (Hand-made / Nachbau version)Faber Castell 366, System Schumacher (Hand-made / Nachbau version)Farmars Wine & Spirit Merchants Rule made by LucasFischer CalculigrapheFroude Displacement RuleGebr. Wichamann Model 1399Gebr. Wichamann Model 1399General HannyngtonHarrow Mark Reducer by Aston and ManderHawthorn presentation ruleHawthorn’s ruleHeath Hezzanith Carmody NavigationalJohann FaberK&E Sperry Type 2K&E Sperry Type 3L. AppoullotLafay Helice a Calcul No. 2Lawrence Model BuildersLord's CalculatorLéon LalanneMaroti LogartablaMartini 3991Martin’s Calculating RuleMast maker’s ruleMeyrat & Perdrizet Type 1Meyrat & Perdrizet Type 2Mode Frequencies for a Rectangular PlateMusic String CalculatorNoble’s double ruleNoble’s single rulePalmer's Computing ScalePatco Mark IV Data LogPickett Model 17 RadiationProell Pocket CalculatorRobinson’s CalculatorRoss PrecisionRoutledge’s ruleRoutledge’s ruleS. Waddington “The Ich Dien Rule”Selectron Model ASelectron Model BSexton's Omnimetre No. 1Sexton's OmnimetreSimpson’s ruleSlater’s ruleSmall's Pocket CalculatorSpirule by Walter EvansShanghai KXSJSystem Tombeur, Advanced - PrototypeSystem Tombeur, Advanced-A2System Tombeur, Basic - PrototypeSystem Tombeur, Pocket Simple - S3System Tombeur, Simple -S2Thomas BradburnThornton F5100 RadiationTyler by Weems and Plath Vade MecumWhythe Complex NumberWichmannWilkinson’s ruleZahl, (A1?) ZAKL